Hope you like swimming, because we like to bring our suits with us everywhere we go, just in case. Right on the way home from site is Rawacou, a rock-enclosed swimming pool on a black sand beach; waves are often crashing down all around you. Depending on the weather, Rawacou can be a calm wading pool or an awesome wave pool, which means you should go more than once. (Photo by voteulp on Flickr)
Being a Caribbean island, St. Vincent has beaches all over the place. Indian Bay is one of our favourite spots, and is a short drive from our apartments, on the way to town. At one end is a great dinner spot, where you can grab a girly drink (or some rum!) and watch the sun set.
Another top beach destination is Wallilabou, one of the film sets for the Pirates of the Caribbean. Many of the set pieces and props still remain, though it has deteriorated over the years. Great lunch spot; photos and autographs of the film stars and crew are on the walls.
Further north on the island is Owia Salt Pond. I have no words for this place, I find it absolutely breathtaking and feel it is a must-see. For swimmers and hikers, dreamers and shakers. (Photo from Atlas Obscura)
And the best place to bring your swimsuit, if it's accessible (hurricanes and storms have denied us access in the past, due to damages to the walkways), is the Falls of Baleine. It is one of those rare moments in life, where I couldn't stop smiling and had to scream, "This is awesome!" (Photo from SVG Ministry of Tourism & Culture)
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